Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: 323 - Developing Locally
Date: Monday, 31 Aug 2020, 19:57:26

    > Normally I would complete my psets on the zoo, but I was thinking that due
    > to being in a house with two other college students using WiFi all day, it
    > would be best to complete my assignments on my own machine and then submit
    > via the zoo.
    > My machine runs Mac OS, and thus far I have installed the gcc compiler and
    > a buggy/broken gdb. Please let me know if I am committing a grave mistake
    > or should install some other tool.

You can develop you code wherever you choose, but you
must submit your files at the end of any session where
you write or debug code, and at least once every hour
during sessions that last longer than one hour.

The test scripts only run on the Zoo.

For some of the assignments you will be given object
files to link with and these will not be available in
versions for the Mac.

Thus you may find that the best approach is to write
code on your laptop, but upload it to the Zoo when
compiling, testing, and debugging.
