Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: [Cs323] spec
Date: Sunday, 08 Nov 2020, 08:33:27

    > Message Posted By: Unknown
    > In the spec it says that decode writes a message and exits if there is a
    > command-line option or if it detects a file that encode could not have
    > written (and that would cause a valgrind error).
    > So, if our decode sees a file that could not have been written by encode
    > (i.e. special code is off, etc.) but does NOT lead to a valgrind error,
    > will printing a line to stderr lead to deductions on the test script for
    > these cases? My confusion is with the "AND" in the "and that would cause a
    > valgrind error."

No.  The only requirement for the behavior of decode when
reading a file not written by its alter ego encode is that
there not be any valgrind errors reported.
