Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Clarifications to CPSC 223 Homework #1
Date: Tuesday, 21 Jan 2020, 07:36:27

1. The specification says that your Cxref must

     fail 'gracefully' (i.e., neither go into an infinite loop nor cause a
     memory dump) if the input is not a legitimate C program or any of the
     assumptions above are violated

   This does not mean that it should be able to detect
   that the input is not a valid C program, which would
   be far beyond the scope of this course.  It just
   means things like not going into an infinite loop if
   a comment is unterminated.

2. I have modified the test script to prevent the use of
   lseek() or its cousins to move backward in the input
   stream.  (Do not worry if you are unfamiliar with
   lseek(); you will not be using it in this class.)
   The old version is now called Hwk1/test.Cxref.V0.
