Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: Face to Face Grading
Date: Monday, 17 Feb 2020, 19:38:13

    > I am XXXXXXXXX, one of the students in CS 223. I checked the slots for the
    > face to face grading and saw there weren't any for the coming days. In
    > case no slots open this week, can the subsequent week's face-to-face grading be
    > used towards checking earlier homework like Cxref even though we are late
    > into the semester? Also professor, can we do multiple face-to-face
    > gradings in a semester for credit?

As I tried to explain in my message announcing the
face-to-face style feedback, the appointments will
take place this week (80 slots) as well as the week
of 3/2-3/5 (at least 80 more slots).

The split is not ideal.  However, with ~150 students in
the class, it was not possible to schedule at least 160
slots during the same week, while also having two ULAs
helping students working on the current assignment.
