Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Minor fix to specification
Date: Monday, 16 Mar 2020, 19:52:45

Note C, Point 5, should read

  5. Achieving at most C * #compares + N calls to addD()/pushD() by limiting
     the number of such calls to at most C*(M-1)+1 when quickSort is sorting
     M items (the C*(M-1)+1 does not include recursive calls to quickSort).

instead of

  5. Achieving at most C * #compares calls to addD()/pushD() by limiting the
     number of such calls to at most C*M when quickSort is sorting M items
     (the C*M does not include recursive calls to quickSort).

Here M-1 is the number of compares to split the M items
into two groups and the +1 is to add/push the splitter
back to a Deque.

Rather than issue a new revised specification, I will
modify the current one.
