Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: [Cs223] 3 Deque Limit
Date: Thursday, 02 Apr 2020, 08:17:02

    > Message Posted By: Unknown
    > I've gotten my code working using unlimited queues, where 2 new ones are
    > made per recursive call, but I'm having a really hard time translating
    > that into a solution that only uses 2 stacks and 1 queue. I'm trying to
    > use tip #4 about using partially full stacks as empty ones (and keeping
    > track of how many items you push onto them), but that only makes sense to
    > me if you limit yourself to 3 stacks and 0 queues. The 1 queue is messing
    > things up because it keeps reversing orders when moving items onto it from
    > a stack, which messes up stable sorting. Do you have any suggestions on
    > how I should approach this?

You can always reverse the order of the elements on a
queue by copying them to a stack and then back again.
