Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: CPSC 323 Homework #1 fiend
Date: Monday, 21 Sep 2020, 08:23:45
> I have a question regarding the LATENESS file. If an assignment is > submitted between 12 and 2 am, do we have to add an additional late day to > have it count all of the days? I wasn't sure if late days are based on a > calendar day or every 24 hours from the original 2am due time. No. Lateness days are measured in blocks of 24 hours (or part thereof) starting at the day and time that the assignment is due, which is normally a Friday at 2:00am. Thus work submitted for fiend at 1:00am today (Monday) would be 3 days late. To waive all of the lateness, the LATENESS file should contain one line with the digit 3. --Stan-PREV INDEX NEXT