Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: [Cs323] equal in local
Date: Monday, 21 Sep 2020, 22:33:16

    > Message Posted By: Unknown
    > Can there be a space between the equal and arbitrary A,B that is a local? I.e. A = B rather than A=b?

As stated in the speicifation,

  Aside: The grammar is ambiguous in the sense that in the input
    % A=B
  parsley could treat the TEXT token A=B as an argument in a valid command or
  as a local in an invalid one.  Similarly, for the input
    % A=B C=D E
  it could treat A=B and C=D as locals, or treat A=B as a local and C=D as an
  argument, or treat A=B and C=D as arguments; all of which result in valid
  commands.  To resolve the ambiguity we will assume that a TEXT token of the
  form NAME=VALUE is always treated as a [local] if it can be.

You could also have answered this question by running
