Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: [Cs323] reading command
Date: Thursday, 24 Sep 2020, 07:20:57

    > Message Posted By: Unknown
    > If we see "echo a || echo b". When we are reading the command from left to
    > right, and see "echo a", do we use the grammar in any way at this point to
    > start the recursion? Or do we keep reading until we see "||", and then
    > start evaluating the grammar?
    > If its just "echo a", how do we know that the command is simple from
    > calling the grammar? Specifically, if we see "echo a" how do we know to
    > use the rule for simples.

Have you read the Addendum on Parsing Expressions?
Parsing "echo a || echo b" proceeds in an analogous
manner, except that there are many more levels.
