Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: [Cs323] Pruning Reducing Number of Chains/Table Size
Date: Wednesday, 11 Nov 2020, 07:09:50

    > Message Posted By: Unknown
    > When pruning, why would we NEED to reduce the number of chains/the table
    > size? ...

As I posted last Friday,

  Date: 06 Nov 2020 15:11:40 -0500 (Fri)
  Subject: Re: [Cs323] prune
  Ideally the number of chains for the new table would
  roughly 1/8 of the number of strings, but the same
  number as in the old table is acceptable.

    >   ... Can we just remove the entries from the table, so there are a couple
    > of blank entries, which will get filled in with new codes? I believe you
    > aren't saving memory either because we are looking at the maximum memory use.

No, you cannot "just remove the entries from the table,
so there are a couple of blank entries, which will get
filled in with new codes".

If the number of codes in the new table is half or less
that in the old table, then you must assign new codes to
the strings that are retained so that you can use fewer
bits to send codes.
