Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: [Cs323] Bandwidth of RAM
Date: Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020, 10:37:47

    > Message Posted By: Unknown
    > I just wanted to check my understanding of this concept. The memory
    > bandwidth of a processor is how much memory it can write/read to a
    > specific part of the memory heiarchy correct?

The bandwidth of memory is the rate at which one can
read/write it.  The latency is how long it takes to
read/write one byte.

    > If so then, we would expect the bandwidth to RAM to be lower than say
    > bandwidth of cache?

The latency of a cache is lower than that of RAM.

    > Also, how can you have multiple memory references per clock cycle? I
    > thought a clock cycle was exactly measured by making memory references,
    > and therefore, clock rate measured how many mem refs you could make a second?

A clock cycle is is a time unit.  Whether one or more
memory references may be initiated per cycle depends
on the architecture of the memory unit, as does the
number of cycles it requires.
