Author: Stan Eisenstat
Subject: Re: [Cs223] Estimated Time vs Total Time
Date: Thursday, 30 Jan 2020, 08:23:19

    > Message Posted By: Unknown
    > In our log file, should our "estimated time" and "total time" be
    > different? Since we are required to log our hours, we are able to
    > calculate total time. Why is an estimate required? How do I estimate when
    > I know the exact value? I ask because lacking an estimated time and a
    > total time can incur a point deduction.

The estimate of the time should be made when you START
the assignment, and thus may differ from the total time,
which is computed when you finish.

The purpose of the estimate is to improve your ability
to predict how long a programming task should take,
which is useful for planning.
